Confidentiality and Informed Consent
Each student and family member has the right to privacy and confidentiality.
There may be circumstances when it is necessary to release confidential information regarding a student. State law requires that any suspicion or evidence of child abuse/neglect, elder abuse, or knowledge of a minor engaging in dangerous, self harming or illegal behavior be reported to the appropriate child protection agencies and/or legal authorities.
Furthermore, if a student poses a serious danger to him/herself or others, any individual (including school personnel) with knowledge, evidence, or suspicion of said danger, is required by law to intervene. The intervention may include informing family members, identified victims, and/or the proper authorities to provide for the safety of the student and others.
American School Counselor's Association
Contact Information
Micah Merriman
Professional School Counselor
Phone: (505) 344-4412